
Supplement use and the need for communication in cancer integrative medicine

In this month of pain treatment specialist journal (electronic version), and significance of supplement use in cancer integrated medicine, is a review that showed the need for a doctor patient communication, it had been reported from a group of Israel. (J Pain Symptom Manage. 2013 May 23.) Many cancer patients, while utilizing nutritional supplements other than herbs, such information is not disclosed to the oncologist, it is said. Therefore, in this study, In cancer treatment, The efficacy and safety of nutritional supplements reviews have been made. In particular, Major medical database (AltHealthWatch, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Embase, MEDLINE, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Integrative Medicine Service Database, Natural Standard Database, and PubMed) from, Jadad score we have analyzed to extract the randomized controlled trials of two or more. (CAM, nutrition supplements, QOL, such as a search word.) As a result of the analysis, Usefulness of nutritional supplements is that has been found. For example, Vitamin E, glutamine, components such as acetyl L- carnitine, The effect of reducing the risk and severity of peripheral sensory neuropathy associated with paclitaxel (paclitaxel) administration of antineoplastic agents of taxane was granted. Also, Vitamin E and glutamine, It was useful for the reduction of oral mucositis associated with radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Other, Probiotics and glutamine, Diarrhea risk caused by chemotherapy was lowered, it is that. From the above data, For nutritional supplements as a complementary therapy to be used in combination with cancer standard treatment, that certain of the clinical significance is suggested, And, About the effectiveness and safety of the supplement product, Between the cancer patients and oncologists, such as the need for open dialogue it is carried out has been discussed.

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